Standard delivery (most often by FedEx or a freight delivery company) is either a curbside or doorstep delivery of the fully boxed/crated item. The delivery company will bring the carton(s) to the the curb or doorstep (depending on the item and residence access).
Inside delivery is the delivery of the fully boxed item to the nearest covered space of your residence - a garage, a carport. mudroom etc.
Both of those options require a customer to unbox, assemble, and move the item to an inside location as needed.
"White Glove" delivery includes inside delivery of a full assembled item to the location of your choice in your home. Your scooter or lift chair will arrive at your residence already assembled, unpacked and ready to use. If it's a scooter, the battery will be already charged. Your item will be brought to the room of your choice up a maximum of ten stairs. All cartons and packing materials will be taken away. Please note that this service can add as much as 7-10 days to your delivery time.
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