Scooter batteries perform best in temperatures between 50 and 75 degrees. During cold weather (October to April) and in other geographies where temperatures can drop below 40 degrees, scooter batteries must be stored in a room temperature environment.
- If the scooter is to be unused during the cold winter. batteries must be brought into a room temperature environment.
- If you are using your scooter during the cold weather months, you can expect it to have much shorter range. This means the scooter may not go as far on a battery charge and/or they may have other scooter issues due to the cold.
- Scooter batteries must be connected to the charger even when the scooter is not being used. Most chargers will automatically cycle on when the battery charge rate dips down below 95% of full charge and then turn off when the battery is over 98% charged.
A special note about batteries that are not contained inside of a battery "pack"
If your scooter batteries are not installed inside of a removable battery pack, you will want to remove them from your scooter to bring them inside. Most unplug for that purpose. Once inside, each of them must be connected to a trickle charger at least monthly for a minimum of 4-5 hours to preserver their life, ensure they're ready for use in the spring and preserve your battery warranty.
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