The 260-1302XX battery charger is three stage 2 amp battery charger manufactured by the Universal Power Group: "Three stages" refers to how it charges a battery:
- Fast charge mode (often referred to as "bulk charging") brings a nearly completely discharged battery up to about 90% charged.
- Topping charge mode brings the battery gradually up from 90% to nearly fully charged
- Float charge mode brings the battery up to 100% and then monitors the battery. As the battery charge naturally dips below 100% the charger initiates float charge to bring it back up to 100% keeping the battery in a full state of charge.
This charger also automatically cuts off after 20 hours of continuous operation and then will restart to keep the batteries charged.
The charger has two LED indicators:
LED 1 is a power indicator that illuminates any time the charger is connected to a 110v wall receptacle.
LED 2, usually labeled "Charging /Fault shows as follows:
- Red color steadily illuminated: Fast charge mode
- Green color flashing: float charge mode
- Green color steady: charging finished
- Red color flashing- there is a fault:
- LED 2 off- charger is not connected to batteries
- LED 2 flashing=- 12 hour charge is timed out
- LED 2 1 flash every three seconds: battery voltage is low
- LED 2 2 flashes every three seconds: Batteries are not wired correctly
- LED 2 3 flashes every three seconds: Battery voltage is too high
- LED 2 4 flashes every three seconds: Charger is outputting too much current and should be replaced.
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